EminiForecaster Review
So the other day I was surfing the net, looking at the latest and greatest in stock software when I came across a program that looks pretty cool called EminiForecaster. Right off the bat I liked the site because it gives you the oppertuinity to give them your name and email (a pain I know, but it’s an inevitable part of online life), and they send you a detailed report showing you how they performed last week.
EminiForecaster Trading Software
I always like to see or at least hear about how a type of stock trading program works before I even bother giving it a shot. Anyway the report sparked my interest enough to write an EminiForecaster review.
When I bought the product for a test run I was even more impressed then I thought I would be. EminiForecaster‘s service is an incredible, revolutionary product with the experience of a retired CTA who has managed over $100 million cash position and developed trading models for over 15 years.
EminiForecaster provides a revolutionary product that assists traders to know, in advance, where the stock market is going with a high degree of accuracy. This revolutionary technology is the result of many years of research. Research that proves that behavior of large groups of people can be predicted a large percentage of the time. Why apply this technology to financial data? Because these markets are very widely followed. In simple terms. The markets are meters of human behavior and our technology predicts it- The proof is in the pudding.
Here are they’re claims:
The Industry leader – Nobody can forecast financial markets the way we do.
Revolutionary Technology – No other company has this powerful, easy-to-use, cutting edge analytical tool.Success – Our website and product are at record sales levels and have the highest conversion ratios in the industry- meaning more sales per effort expended!
Focus – We continuously improve our service and survey our customers for ideas to better meet their needs.
All Markets – EminiForecaster provides forecasts for all the major indices.
First Class Service – We are dedicated to providing our members with the kind of service they expect and deserve.
From my trial with the service they come through on all their claims in a great fashion. EminiForecaster seems to do a great job and get’s my seal of approval. At the very least it’s worth a shot.
Felipe C. Said,
This is the first I have heard of Emini Forecaster and I really want to give it a try now. I don’t think I have ever heard of a software program giving you a report on their performance so I am looking forward to receiving this. It looks like there are several indicators that can set me up to do really well. The philosophy behind the mob mentality is a great one and I never really thought of that myself so I can’t wait to begin my trail session. I just wonder if this program can be run on its own or if I am going to have to use other programs at the same time.Chip Said,
What an interesting product this is. Some people might think that predicting future human behavior is not possible, but I can tell you that it is if you know what inputs and variables to account for. The science behind this has been used to make predictions about everything from consumer buying habits to political elections, so why not use it predict investor actions? It’s quite brilliant, really. There are no guarantees in the stock market but with this kind of system you can get pretty darn close to knowing how things will unfold down the road. On top of that, they offer a refreshing level of candor about their record, and that’s certainly nice to see, as well.Hack The Stock Market Said,
The two popular software products used in india are Amibroker and Metastock both of which work on PCs. I use a Mac and want a compatible software for trading, charts and technicals I have been using this site