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Wave59 Technologies Trading Software

Wave59 Technologies Trading Software is a stock trading software program built for day traders. It’s true that most good traders use long term signal likes 200DMA and 50DMA to make stock picks. 

 Wave59 Technologies Trading Software
Wave59 Technologies
Stock Trading Software Program
Trading Software

Stock Trading Software Program

With that fact come two lines of thinking: 1) if the good traders do it then so should I; or 2) if I can figure out what the good traders are going to do in the future, how can I exploit it to make money. If option number 2 is more attractive to you then the Wave59 Technologies Trading Software may just be prefect for your needs. years past. 

Wave59 uses geometric patterns and time & price patterns to try to predict what a stock will do before other technical indicators show strength. The whole philosphy is that it’s ok to take five stocks that lose 2% each to find that one stock that gains 50%. It defiantly makes sense, if it works… reliably. 

Once a chart has been properly scaled, many patterns start to pop out at the trader. Ellipses, curved trend lines, and almost any pattern found in a book of sacred geometry can also be located in price action. Until now, traders using these patterns have been forced to draw them with magic markers on the computer screen, or on clear plastic overlays that had to be manually slid across the chart to do pattern matching. 

Wave59 provides an easy, automatic way to build patterns which can be rotated, enlarged, and even automatically placed on a particular chart. Using the Pattern Builder, traders can create their patterns using a large number of drawing tools. All colors, proportions, and ratios will be reproduced faithfully by the software later on in real time conditions. Below is a screen shot of the pattern builder module in action: 

Stock Trading  Software Program

Here’s what some other’s had to say about their experiences:

Mark Doherty:

What i have looked at so far is impressive. My initial thoughts are that you have something exceptional that can be very beneficial to experienced cycle or timing traders like myself. The less experienced probably run into trading or interpretive problems and get discouraged or blown out.. Unfortunately I have a number of deadlines, overdue and approaching, that will tie me up for another two weeks or so. Once done, I plan on diving into your material…Your work is the most exciting I have seen for years.

Sean MacAskill:

Well, I haven’t seen another momentum indicator perform like your and in my TS. I have plenty of them… As for exhaustion bars, they do their job, sure are not the holy grail but properly used can help in identifying turning points… I want to thank you again for your unusual availability, I hardly remember any american like that. most of all you don’t seem to be there only to sell something.

If you want my honest opinion, and let’s face it that’s why you’re here, then there are better stock trading software options available. Worden Telechart 2007 is a tried and tested technology, same thing with AbleSys Corporation. If you want to take a change and maybe find something you really like then give Wave59 a shot.

Now you can even get a 30 day free trial to eliminate your risk.